I’m a writer with 15+ years of experience in creative and B2B marketing in the dynamic fields of law, healthcare and space. I also write nonfiction and have been published in Sky & Telescope.

At work, I'm on the editorial team at Surescripts, a health IT company focused on using data and technology to improve the lives of patients and those who care for them, and in the past few years I wrote part-time for Quub, a startup that builds small satellites to gather data in low Earth orbit and track the pulse of our planet.

In 2023, I founded the independent Substack newsletter Short Chats with Space Cats, which features quality Q&As with hip, space-oriented humans.

I’ve studied entrepreneurship and English at the University of St. Thomas, law at Mitchell Hamline School of Law, and will graduate in May 2024 with a master’s in science writing at Johns Hopkins University.

I live with my family in St. Paul, MN. Outside of work and writing, you can find me on my mountain bike or alpine snowboard, or making music with a small collection of analog and electronic instruments stashed away in my basement studio.